Macedonian Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski with his wife Snezana, as well as Ministers of Culture and Transport and Communication Ganka Samoilovska-Cvetanova and Ljupco Balkovski visited site Plaoshnik on Saturday, where works on restoring church "St. Kliment of Ohrid" are going on. They attended the service, which was held by the Pontiff of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia Stefan, along with Bishop of Debar and Kicevo Timotej. Ohrid Mayor Nikola Naumov accompanied the Government delegation. Archeologist and Director of Ohrid Bureau and Museum Pasko Kuzman acquainted Prime Minister Georgievski with the restoring works of "St. Kliment's" church. Macedonian Prime Minister also visited Samoil Fortress, where he was acquainted with the archeological-conservatory works on this historic object. On the occasion of December 8, Day of St. Kliment, a festive archbishop liturgy is held at the cathedral church in Skopje. Pontiff of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia Stefan, held the liturgy. The choir of the Archbishop church performed spiritual songs and parts of the epistle of apostle Pavle were read. Metropolitan of Polog and Kumanovo Kiril held speech for the immortal cultural and education work of St. Kliment of Ohrid. Afterwards the present guests were given the Slava bread. Religious ceremonies on the occasion of Day of St. Kliment are being held in all Macedonian Orthodox Churches in the world. This year's winners of St. Kliment of Ohrid Award were given their recognitions at the Macedonian Assembly hall on Saturday. This prestigious award for long standing achievements in culture, art and health were given to the academic Todor Skalovski, opera singer Milka Eftimova, Dr. Mihajlo Georgievski, writer Jovan Kotevski posthumously, radiologist Dr. Dimitar Tevcev, and a group of authors of the book "Clinical Traumatology." President of the Board for granting awards Sotir Golabovski gave the award to the winners, while Dr. Dimitar Tevcev expressed appreciation on behalf of the winners. 
On the occasion of December 8, Day of Ohrid's patron St. Kliment, a formal Academy dedicated to this great Macedonian educator was held in the town on Saturday evening. Ministers of Culture and Transport and Communication Ganka Samoilovska-Cvetanova and Ljupco Balkovski, Archbishop Stefan, Metropolitans Petar and Timotej and other high officials attended this formal act. Ohrid Mayor Nikola Naumovski spoke about the image and work of St. Kliment- the Miracle Maker, Pontiff of Macedonian Orthodox Church Stefan blessed the Slava bread, while Metropolitan of Debar and Kicevo Timotej held a celebration speech about St. Kliment of Ohrid. This year's highest community award "St. Kliment" was given at the formal academy to archeologist and Director of the Ohrid Bureau for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museums Pasko Kuzman and company "EMO" from Ohrid. ANNOUNCEMENT BY CENTRE FOR MEDIA ACTIVITY. MIA After the information about the latest vandalism attack of burning down of church "St. Gjorgija" in village Golema Recica near Tetovo, Coordination Body for Crisis Management expresses its condemnation and concern due to the possible consequences from this act. Coordination Body for Crisis Management states that the burning down of church "St. Gjorgija" jeopardises its firm readiness to implement the peace process and return of mutual trust. That is why the consequences from the fire can't be treated as material damage. This is an act that is opposite to international conventions, as well as an act against humanity and civilisation in general. Cultural values from the past are non-repeatable, ones which cannot be restored and re-created. Religious objects in this region are material proofs about the spiritual values that provided the perseverance of the population, strengthened their spirit and faith in future. The Coordination Body reminds that during the armed conflicts in Tetovo and Kumanovo crisis regions, at least 30 religious objects, mostly churches, have been destroyed, among which monastery complex in Lesok, churches "St. Nikola", "St. Holy Mother of God" and "St. Petka", as well as the Arabati Baba Teke and Colored Mosque in Tetovo and monastery "Matejce" in Kumanovo area. Coordination Body for Crisis Management expects revealing of the perpetrators of this crime as soon as possible by authority organs. At the same time, the Coordination Body states that measures for protection of public peace and order, as well as measures for thwarting criminal activities should be enhanced, thus providing the citizens free movement and protection of material and spiritual values. SEMINAR "YOUTH IN REFORMS" ENDED. MIA The possibilities for employing over 45,000 persons in the agriculture complex in the following period are real, thus significantly decreasing the number of unemployed persons in Macedonia, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply Marjan Gjorcev stated at the final day of seminar "Youth in Reforms", which was held in Ohrid in organisation of the Union of Youth forces of VMRO-DPMNE. Speaking about the reforms in this economy area, Minister Gjorcev stressed the necessity for a firm strategic concept for development and adoption of the legal regulative, thus creating the possibility for faster development of agriculture. According to him, there is a stagnation or decreased participation of agriculture in the creation of new values in the present situation. This is confirmed by numerous indicators for decrease of participation of agriculture in the gross national product from 14% in 1990 to 9,8% in 2000. All benefices in agriculture were ceased in 1996, thus causing catastrophic consequences on its development. "We opted for a strategy of reforms, especially in agriculture in 1999, without deep social consequences, which will be compatible with the movements in world global economy", Gjorcev said. The fundament of this strategy, as he said, is a modified form of reforms and a legal regulative, which is compatible with the regulative of the EU and getting close to the World Trade Organisation. However, Gjorcev stressed, Macedonia has to protect its agriculture production with the new laws, and the base of these laws are the new Macedonian code in agriculture complex, along with the laws on agriculture profession, crediting of agriculture, agriculture soil and organic agriculture production. "The Law on Agriculture Crediting Fund will enable the return of means amounting to around DM 30 million to agriculture workers through grants and credits with small interest rates in the development of agricultural complex, i.e. means that had been collected through taxes", Minister Gjorcev said at the final day of seminar "Youth in Reforms". |