Enter content here 'Moles' Hunted Among the Policemen. Employees in the Interior Ministry had informed the car-mafia about the planned strike against the international channel for robbed cars, Gen. Vassil Vassilev, head of National Service 'Police', said yesterday. He pledged that the 'moles' will be captured in a short time. PHOTO NIKOLAY DONCHEV Yordan Radichkov(left) was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature. The Swedish ambassador to Bulgaria Sten Aske(right) wished his old friend Radichkov success. Photo: Monitor.bg A Bulgarian woman looks through a new Bulgarian translation of "Mein Kampf," Hitler's early memoir, at an outdoor book market in downtown Sofia, Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2001. Hitler's autobiography has been published legally for the first time in Bulgaria, and vendors say it is selling well in a country where anti-Jewish sentiment is traditionally low.(AP Photo/Dimitar Deinov) Slobodan Milosevic is escorted into the courtroom to appear for the fourth time before the court of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, December 11, 2001. Milosevic is charged on the basis of his individual and superior criminal responsibility with genocide and crimes against humanity involving persecution, extermination and murder. (Paul Vreeker/Reuters) Experts on Burning Down Church "St. Gjorgija" in Mala Recica- Marvellous Monument of Medieval Art Destroyed. Vecer burnt monastery "St. Gjorgi" in village Mala Recica. (Vecer, 11.12.2001) - The damage is even greater, having in mind that there is no photo-documentation, according to which the church could be reconstructed - According to me, church St. Gjorgija was intentionally burnt down by Albanian terrorists in order for Christian population not to be able to celebrate holiday St. Gjorgija. As a matter of a fact, the same thing happened to Lesok monastery. Unfortunately, we do not know what has been stolen before the burning down, and what has been destroyed by the fire. The same thing happened with the displays from the collections in the Teke and other religious and museum objects that are under the control of the Albanian terrorists, Director of Museum of Tetovo Area Srecko Jovanovski stated, after Saturdays act of vandalism. Church St. Gjorgija is the 13th sacral object in Tetovo area, which was a target of the Albanian terrorists, and was one of the rare objects, which foundations dated from the 14th century. Namely, the remains of the church were discovered in 1920, while the restoration occurred 10 years later. Monastery shelters were built in 1965. Two years later, the Republic Bureau for Protection of Cultural Monuments sent a team to perform archaeological researches in order to determine time belonging. Team manager was art historian Petar Miljkovik Pepek, who said: I performed a small sondage from the external north side and I did not determine the depth of the foundation, because I came up at a bunch of old frescos that could help in determining the age of the church, and partly the decoration itself. According to the fragments of the decoration, it can be said that it dates from the 14th century. The remains of the frescos were given to the laboratory of the Bureau for research and conservation. The archaeological research confirmed that it had been a small church. There is no doubt that church St.Gjorgija is a significant monument not only for Tetovo area, but for history of medieval art in Macedonia. Based on this data, the church was registered as a monument of culture the very same year. Unfortunately, this temple was demolished and robbed several times in the past 10 months by the Albanian terrorists, in order for it to be entirely destroyed at the end. The damage is even greater, having in mind that there is no photo-documentation, according to which the church could be reconstructed. All the Civilian Casualties of the War. Reality Macedonia By Marina Saroska, Sitel TV Translated by Aleksandra Ilievska [Besides members of the Macedonian Security Forces,] the casualties of the six-month conflict in Macedonia also include 16 civilians. By far larger is the number of civilians that suffered injuries by firearms or shrapnel during terrorist attacks. Albanian terrorists physically attacked and harassed forty-four persons, and the so-called NLA kidnapped additional 74 persons. Most of them were released after a short while, while after signing of the Framework Agreement on August 13, the International Red Cross mediated the release of another eleven abducted persons. Running for cover from KLA/NLA snipers. Tetovo, March 16, 2001. On the morning of March 14, the sky above Tetovo rumbled with gunfire. An Albanian rally was taking place on the city square. Miljaim Fejziu said: “Those are our children that have taken up arms for greater Albanian rights...” That day when Albanian terrorists held the whole city under siege from the citadel of Tetovo, Malikji Perjan, a little girl, was lightly hurt in front of the restaurant Arbi. The same day, a sniper shot Ramadan Sulejmani in the forehead in front of his house. He was the first civilian casualty in Tetovo. During the six-month conflict, in Tetovo and its surrounding alone, 15 civilians died by firearms, shrapnel and mines. Three of them were OSCE monitors. The most gruesome of all was the murder of Svetislav Trpkovski and Bogoslav Ilievski in the explosion of the hotel Brioni in Chelopek village. The two hotel employees were tied with ropes to the explosive before the Albanian terrorists detonated the charge. In the area of Kumanovo, the number of the killed civilians is much smaller. Albanian terrorists brutally beat and tortured to death Stojadin Stojanovikj from the village of Matejche. At the end of May, when terrorist captured Matejche, four Serbs from the village were taken hostage in the village mosque. In addition to being tortured, suffering severe injuries, they were dehydrated and starved. At the time, Albanian terrorists kidnapped, beat and molested another 12 elderly persons, women and men from Matejche. In Kumanovo region, apart from the kidnapping of Romeo Zhivikj and Mome Petrushevski, and the two-day detention of the Serbs of Matejche at the outset of the crisis, there were no reports of other cases of kidnapping. Kidnapping and harassment of civilians and passers-by appeared to be a specialty of the terrorist groups of Tetovo. Kidnapped Macedonian from Otushishte, after his release. As of July this year, Albanian terrorists kidnapped and harassed 28 civilians on the Tetovo-Jazhince road and the local roads heading to the villages in the vicinity of Tetovo. All of the victims of kidnapping were Macedonians. After being held hostage for several hours or days, Albanian terrorists let them go with serious injuries. On many occasions the terrorists from Tetovo stopped buses heading for Jazhince, as well as those transporting Jugohrom employees. Albanian terrorists kidnapped three Telecom employees near the village of Odri. The janitor of IGM Vratnica and two security guards, employees of HEK Jugohrom were next. A NLA gang most brutally tortured four Mavrovo employees, who ended up with serious injuries and deep scarves – carved initials on their backs. After signing of the Framework Agreement in early August, the terrorists of the so-called NLA released 11 civilians held hostage for over a month thanks to the efforts of the International Red Cross. The leader of the so-called NLA claimed to have no information on the 14 kidnapped citizens of Tetovo. According to the police, they were buried in three mass graves near Neproshteno. It is very indicative that the four Macedonians, kidnapped near the village of Vratnica, were released from the Skopje village of Radusha. Albanians who obviously disagreed with the militant Albanian groups were also victims of terror. A group of armed men kidnapped Abdulxhemil Veliji of Poroj from the village tea-house by armed people. His dead body was found the next day, on June 4. Ali Ahmeti, NLA strongman. On July 20 in Tetovo, in front of the Fati cafe, three unknown persons used force trying to take away 27-year-old Muhamed Terzija. They opened fire on him and wounded him in the leg. Around ten days afterward, in the tavern of the village of Bogovinje, 8 terrorists demanded of the landlord to hand over his son who was to be recruited as terrorist. Ramiz Berzati refused and started shooting at them, killing one terrorist and injuring another. The showdown left Ramiz and his wife injured too. [According to the OSCE report, NLA later bombed the tavern with mortar fire, razing it to the ground.] STATEMENT OF INTERIOR MINISTER LJUBE BOSKOVSKI. MIA The security situation in Macedonia cannot be considered as stable, as long as the security forces do not return into the crisis regions and control them in a manner that will guaranty safety return of the citizens, Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski said Tuesday. "Recent developments, particularly the attacks on civilians in the last few days, have significantly deteriorated the situation," Boskovski said. He said that efforts were being made to show and prove that Macedonia, as a democratic country, "will comply to all standards, and the police will act according to the Constitution and laws." "Macedonia's destiny is in the hands of its citizens and security forces, and only they are entitled to restore the constitutional system, order and peace in the country," Boskovski said. He denied the accusation, presented at the last report of the International Crisis Group, according to which Boskovski, Prime Minister Georgievski and Parliament Speaker Stojan Andov "are upholding the international process and stir anti-western orientation." "We always stand for peace in this region. There has been no act so far. Showing that any of us is against pledges for peace. We have been fighting with the famous formulation - fair peace. I think that just peace will be established in this area when the last displaced person will return home, along with the Macedonian security forces," Boskovski said, adding that efforts are being made for accomplishing of these goals. "We make some concessions to a degree we consider possible. If a small segment of the national interest is under treat, than we shall react as we did during the ten-month crisis in Macedonia," Boskovski said. The international community expressed satisfaction with developments in Macedonia, particularly with a consensus on entering of police patrols in the crisis regions among the Macedonian security forces, the OSCE and the NATO mission "Amber Fox". According to Boskovski, re-deployment of security forces in the crisis regions will start in two-three days. The details will be defined at the next meeting of the Coordinate Crisis Management Body. Boskovski also said that coordination problem among Intelligence services at the Interior and Defense Ministry was surpassed. The issue was also discussed at yesterday's meeting with President Boris Trajkovski. "Submitting of such information on time is crucial in period of crisis, allowing measures to be taken that will prevent any further attempts against Macedonia's territorial integrity and sovereignty," Boskovski said. Referring to police patrols, Boskovski said that efforts were being made for their structure to be in compliance with the international community standards, and naturally in compliance with the Interior and Defense Ministries expertise. "First results are here. We hope that today we will manage to enter in several locations that are still in control of, as referred now, criminal groups," Boskovski said. STATEMENT BY GOVERNMENT'S SPOKESMAN GJORGJI TRENDAFILOV. MIA The redeployment of the Macedonian security forces in the crisis regions will begin on Thursday in 15 villages, spokesman of the Macedonian Government Gjorgji Trendafilov said after Tuesday's session. According to Trendafilov, the Government assessed the security situation as "extremely dramatic and serious." "The latest developments point out that the situation could escalate easily and large scale clashes could be provoked as the ethnic pressure posed on the Macedonians from Tetovo region continues," he said. Asked about the position of the International crisis group for resolving the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, Trendafilov said that those were interesting proposals, that could be reviewed." The Government established ministerial group for resolving the problem with water supply in Prilep, where besides the competent ministers also the representatives from the Macedonian Power Company will take part. According to Trendafilov the main goal of this group is to found out short-term and applicable measures and activities in order to provide regular water supply to the citizens from Prilep as well as to project long-term solution of the problem not only to Prilep and its area but also in other municipalities in this region. Several aspects of the water supply problems were reviewed at the session, which according to the information from the competent ministries were due to the old waterworks. The Government also made a decision to reconstruct the border crossing Blace, and the documentation has been already submitted to the SEE Stability Pact. Trendafilov informed that the requests of the employees in the public administration for regular payment were reviewed. "The experts services in the Finance Ministry and the other ministries in charge with these matters are working to provide all necessary documents in order to meet the request of the Syndicate for providing the salaries at latest by 15th of every month, as well as the other requests," Trendafilov said. Trendafilov said that it would be very hard to pay the money supplement to the employees in the public administration, but it could be expected that the problems between the Government and the Syndicate would be surpassed. Regarding the decision for granting single financial assistance to the employees in the loss-making companies, Trendafilov said that this intention could be operationalized by the end of this or the beginning of the next week and around 10,200 employees will obtain Denar 6,000.  REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY FOR VICTIMS OF TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAINST U.S.A. MIA Remembrance ceremony for the victims of the terrorist attacks on U.S.A. was held Tuesday in the Macedonian Parliament in organization of the Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski. Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski, many ministers from the Government and representatives of the diplomatic corps were present at the ceremony. "On the anniversary of the third month since the September 11th attacks on the United States of America, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families of the victims as well as with the people of the United States and other countries who lost their citizens," President Trajkovski said in his address. Macedonia and its people, President Trajkovski pointed out "continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the United States of America and all other countries who cherish freedom and democracy and who are fighting the evil of terrorism." "While we do know that this battle will be long lasting, we also know that it has to be fought, for the sake of the values which are hold dear by the democratic world," Trajkovski stressed. He reminded that Macedonia has offered its assistance to the U.S.A. after the attacks on September 11. "We have offered our military bases and airports, our airspace, our intelligence services. Our financial institutions are working with authorities of all against-terror oriented countries to disrupt and shut down terrorist financing. This includes organized crime, which is strong in the Balkans and finances terrorism world-wide," Trajkovski emphasized. Reminding that the Macedonian citizens have gone through a very difficult year as we have been attacked from outside forces hostile to democracy, peace and stability Trajkovski stressed that we have shown the "world that we are a democracy committed to peace." "While our way of life, the life and freedom of our citizens being still under attack, we praise the support of our friends in the United States, the Russian Federation, the European Union and in other countries which stand by us, shoulder to shoulder, in our fight against criminal gangs in Macedonia, gangs which do not hesitate to act in direction of ethnic cleansing," he explained. In that respect, President Trajkovski said that he highly appreciated President George Bushs recent executive order, which places other criminal groups in Macedonia and the region on the official US black list. According to the Macedonian President despite the terrible tragedy, we can also look at many positive things which are a direct result of the attacks. First, our friends in the United States and Russia have a closer and better relationship. They are working together, now, more than ever, in pursuit of peace, Trajkovski stressed welcoming the friendship between both Presidents Bush and Putin and the American and Russian people. As Trajkovski emphasized, "the world is now more united and focused not only against terrorism, but also against those who finance and support it." "Organized crime, which often finances terrorism, should be put on notice that it is the next target in our global campaign," he said. "The world will not be free of terrorism until we are free of corrupt and evil individuals who value hatred over their own lives. The world will not be free of terrorism until we all agree to fight terrorism whenever and wherever it appears. The world will not be free of terrorism until leaders begin to teach their people tolerance, patience, understanding and love. The world will not be free of terrorism until those who finance it especially those who traffic in drugs and human beings are brought to justice," Trajkovski said. President Trajkovski delivered a message to the families and friends "of the unfortunate victims of the September 11th attacks, to face and overcome the unbearable reality that their loved ones are not among them, in belief that their respect for the values, even though put on probation by most inhuman attacks, will continue to live and grow. DONORS' CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD NEXT YEAR, GOVERNOR TRPESKI SAYS. MIA "The Donors' Conference for Macedonia will not be held this year, as announced. If the second condition for its scheduling - adoption of the law on local self-government by the Parliament - is to be done until that term, than the Conference may be scheduled for mid-January," Governor of the National Bank of Macedonia Ljube Trpeski said Tuesday. He considers that possible canceling of the Conference will change the agreed economic policy, which than should be adopted to new conditions. "I hope it won't happen as efforts will be made for resolving of certain problems. Theoretically, canceling of the Conference is possible, but practically there is no reason for cancellation if Macedonia continues to work on implementing of the Framework Agreement," Trpeski said. One-month delay of the Conference would have no impact on the amount of donations, but its cancellation would raise a problem, as Macedonia was due to service its foreign debts on time, Trpeski added. The delay would also have no impact on the Denar exchange rate as Macedonia could protect the rate for one month, or even longer period. Nevertheless, efforts should be made for faster convening of the Conference, Trpeski said. As announced, the Donors' Conference was to be held on December 25, if Macedonia would have met the conditions set by the international community, i.e. adoption of the law on local self government; defying of a program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is agreed and should be approved by the IMF Board of Directors. State-Owned 6 Mln Levs Plundered by White-Collars. Standartnews In early December the Commission declared the winner - a consortium with the participation of Glavbolgarstroy. The latter offered 3 million euro, which is more than the sum offered by Minstroi. The "argumentation" was produced in a shameful, humiliating and ridiculous way - a paper was missing to prove that the bidder's annual turnover exceeds 10 million levs. This is an example demonstrating corruption of the first water - officials to accept an offer which is by 6 million levs higher. And to be not embarrassed with the fact that these are European funds which may turn the scandal into an international one. More about the scandal tomorrow. Victoria Seraphimova Parvanov: Bulgaria Replaces the Russian Rockets after an Invitation by NATO. Standartnews Nadelina Aneva In the decision of the CM for destruction of the Russian rockets SS-23 no term is fixed. This was what Defence Minister Nikolay Svinarov said to newly elected President Parvanov and Vice-President General Angel Marin. The presidential pair demanded that the dead-line should not expire earlier than we receive an invitation for joining NATO. We could choose whether to get the Russian rocket systems 'Smerch' or 'Uragan' or the American MLRS, General Marin said. Yet none of them has the radius of action of SS-23. To General Marin the price of the rearmament is too onerous for the budget and NATO should pay part of it. We haven't trained experts able to work with the new rocket systems and the training would be a part of the price,too, Marin added. (PY) Sten Ask: Radichkov Deserves Nobel Prize. Standartnews Silvia Nikolova Yordan Radichkov merits to be winner of Nobel Prize, I'm keeping my fingers crossed so that becomes true, Sweden's ambassador Sten Ask said yesterday. He and Professor Boian Biolchev, rector of the Sofia University (SU), discussed as how exactly Yordan Radichkov to be nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature. Yesterday the diplomat awarded with mini-Nobel Prizes Bulgarian students Vanya Valcheva - from the Chemical- Technological and Metallurgical University, and Svilen Spassov from the Economy faculty in the Sofia University 'St. Clement of Ohrid'. The insignia of honor will be delivered officially to the new laureates in 'Sheraton' hotel on Friday. The award is a visit to Sweden and individual training in the field they are interested. (SH) Power Honours the Victims of the Terror Attacks Today. Standartnews The President, the government and the Parliament will honour the victims of the terror attacks in the USA with public performance of the national anthem. On this day three months ago the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. US President George Bush appealed to all the countries that denounce terrorism to honour the day by performing their national anthem. The ceremony in Bulgaria will take place at 3.46 p.m. at the 'St. Sofia' square in Sofia. The guard of honour and the central military brass orchestra will take part in it and Parliament Chairman Ognyan Gerdzhikov will deliver a short speech. The memory of the victims of the attacks will be honoured by a minute of silence. (PY) Nuclear Fuel Secretly Unshipped in Varna. Standartnews Two containers of 38 t each, discharged of Russian ship under unprecedented security measures. Irena TSEKOVA Dangerous waste are being unshipped on Varna port further to be stored in a depot somewhere in this country, workers in the port informed anxiously yesterday. 'There's something like that, but your information is not exact one,' Ivan Avramov, director of the port, said for 'Standart'. Well-informed sources reported that a nuclear fuel for 'Kozloduy' NPP is discharged in the port. The freight arrived on board of 'Phili' ship from Russia. The fuel was produced in Siberia and could be used for nuclear bombs manufacture. Two containers of 38 tons each, had been unshipped under severe security measures. The parcel is kept in secret due to client's requirement, said well-informed sources. The NPP management is apprehensive about possible terrorist attack, since the fuel proves an attractive target. The fuel was unloaded in Varna because of the problems with the Danube river navigation and the protest of Moldova and Romania against such kind of freight on their territories. The change of the nuclear fuel's path was planned as early as in the summer. (SH) Aunt of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Passed Away. Standartnews 86-year-old Maria of Savoy died in her house in Mandeleau, France, Tuesday last, AP reported yesterday. Maria of Savoy is sister of the last Italian King Umberto II and of Queen Yoana, mother of Premier Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Maria of Savoy is a widow, mother of three children, sources from the Italian Monarchist Union specified for AP. Greek tourists bring you $100 ml. INTERVIEW Standartnews: Michael Hristidis Bulgarian Greek Trade Exchange Will Be $1 Billion. Parvanov is a politician of a personal imprint, says ambassador Michael Hristidis. - Your Excellency, do you expect any changes in Bulgaria's policy following the change in the presidency? - I don't think there will be any drastic changes. This is what most people believe. The presidential elections were very democratic. Besides, the way in which the elections were held is indicative of the maturity of the electorate and democracy in the country. I expect that the president-elect Georgi Parvanov will lend some personal imprint to the policy of the Presidency. If we are to judge by his statements, the major aims of his policy, particularly so of the foreign policy, remain unvaried. - Greece is Bulgaria's forth foreign trade partner, and the second one within the framework of the EU. What is now the trade exchange structure? - In terms of trade and economic exchange, Greece is as important to Bulgaria as is your country to Greece. The trade exchange ranges between $700 and 800 million annually. A positive fact is that trade is well balanced and both countries profit. Our aim is to help boost trade exchange during the coming two years and make it reach $1 billion in both directions. To me this is feasible. - What are the data on tourism? - Around 150-160 thousand Bulgarian tourists visit Greece annually. According to Bulgarian statistical data, in terms of number, the Greek tourists rank second among all the foreigners who visit Bulgaria. Your country is visited by 300 to 380 thousand Greek tourists annually. Bulgaria's profit from this is $100 million per year. Let me also add the fact that the Bulgarian economy receives another $100 million annually from the currency transfers made by the around 50-60 thousand Bulgarian seasonal workers in Greece. There exist very close trade, economic, financial contacts in all sectors of life and on all levels. Therefore, I think that the time is coming when the Bulgarian and Greek economies will turn into communicating vessels. (abridged) LYUBOMIR MIHAILOV (SB) 'Mein Kampf' Published in Bulgaria. AP By VESELIN ZHELEV, Associated Press Writer SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) - Adolf Hitler's autobiography has been published legally for the first time in Bulgaria, and vendors say it is selling well in a country where anti-Jewish sentiment is traditionally low. ``Mein Kampf'' has not been publicly available in Bulgaria until now because it lacked two legal requirements: a critical preface stating the book is anti-Semitic and the name of a publisher. Bulgaria was the only Nazi ally to save its Jewish citizens. Despite a deportation order of the pro-German government in the spring of 1943, Bulgaria's King Boris III rescinded the decree after a deluge of protests and appeals from lawmakers, clergymen and intellectuals. Even now, the right-wing skinhead gangs targeting Jews and other minorities elsewhere in the former communist parts of Europe are relatively rare in Bulgaria. The book, which details Hitler's anti-Semitic thinking, has been the subject of a major advertising campaign since it came out last week, though it's unclear by whom. Hundreds of posters showing a glaring Hitler in full uniform festoon downtown walls. The publisher, Zhar Ptitsa, maintains it is not behind the campaign, and there are no groups publicly promoting the book. Sales figures on the book were unavailable, but it does appear to be a hot item; it's price has jumped from about $7 to about $12, a tenth of the average monthly salary. ``Sales are going well,'' Nikolai Stoilov, a vendor at the city's downtown open-air book market, said Tuesday. Some countries in the region have forbidden publication of ``Mein Kampf'' on grounds it could fuel racial hatred. An attempt to sell it a year ago was halted by Bulgarian police, who confiscated hundreds of copies because they did not carry the name of a publisher. That problem is gone, and the book now also carries a preface stating that the book, while anti Semitic, has historical value. ``This is a racist and anti-Semitic book and I have said this in the preface,'' said history professor Milen Semkov. ``But it is also a document of its time and therefore it has to be read.'' Jewish leaders in Sofia said they did not object to the book's publication. ``This book is part of the human history and it has to be read,'' said Emil Kalo, the leader of Shalom, the most influential organization of Bulgaria's 5,000 Jews. But he criticized the ``unusually costly advertising campaign,'' and called the posters ``clearly fascist propaganda.'' Still, most people buying the book Tuesday appeared driven by curiosity. ``I bought it out of curiosity,'' said Manol Stoyanov, a 35-year-old businessman, fingering the copy he had just purchased. ``Forbidden fruit, you know.''  Naket ankare ska locka tittare. Aftonbladet Nyhets-upplasare i Bulgarien hakar pa den avkladda trenden Nyhetsupplasare i Ryssland och Finland har redan gjort det. Nu foljer Bulgariens nyhetsankare efter. Klar av sig nakna i tv. Nar inte nyheterna racker till for att locka krasna nyhetskonsumenter tar tv-bolagen till andra metoder. I Ryssland och Finland har nyhetsupplasare nu under en langre period pa basta sandningstid strippat samtidigt som de last upp varldshandelserna. Nu kan ocksa de bulgariska tv-tittarna se kombinerad nyhetssandning och stripp-show. Velka Georgieva, 20, tar under en repetition av sig sin bh medan hon presenterar kvallsnyheterna i den privatagda bulgariska tv-kanalen M-SAT. Velka ar en av fyra nyhetsupplasare som ska presentera nyheterna i programmet "The Naked Truth." Premiar i kvall. I kvall sker premiaren av nyhetsprogrammet "Den nakna sanningen" da en ung, vacker kvinnlig programledare serverar nyheter och naken hud om vartannat. 20-ariga Velka Georgieva har den senaste tiden legat i hardtraning for att kunna utfora sina uppgifter pa basta mojliga satt. Och totalt fyra kvinnor i aldrarna 18-23 har fatt jobb som nyhetsupplasare pa den bulgariska tv-kanalen dar varje nyhetssandning ar tio minuter lang. Den kvinnliga nyhetsupplasaren startar sandningen fullt pakldd och avslutar utan spritt sprangande naken. Och statistik visar att tittarna faktiskt blir fler och fler ju farre plaggen blir. Diana Velikov, 23, ar ocksa nyhetsupplasare i programmet. Foto: REUTERS Inget for svenska medier. Men de svenska nyhetsankarna rasar mot de utlandska tv-bolagens lattkladda tilltag. - Det ar forkastligt att de gor sa, har TV 4:s nyhetsankare Petra Nordlund tidigare sagt till Aftonbladet. - Det skulle inte komma pa fraga for mig. Jag tror ingen serios person i branschen skulle gora det, sa Jesper Henricsson, TV3 Direkt. |