Enter content here An unidentified lawmaker points a finger towards a screen with the results of Macedonia's Parliament voting, during a session, in Skopje, on Friday, Sept. 21, 2001. A plan aimed at averting the threat of civil war inched ahead Friday in a crucial parliamentary session, with legislators agreeing on three of 15 draft amendments granting the country's ethnic Albanian minority greater rights. (AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski) A Macedonian Orthodox faithful walks out at the end of a Mass in a 14th century orthodox monastery in the village of Matejce, Friday Sept. 21 2001. Ethnic Albanian rebels agreed to allow a busload of Macedonian slavs to celebrate the "Birth of the Mother of God" orthodox holiday at the monastery located deep in the rebel National Liberation Army controlled territory as a sign of relaxation in inter-ethnic tensions. Grafitti on monastery wall is ethnic Albanian initials of the NLA. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)  Macedonian orthodox priests celebrate a Mass in a 14th century orthodox monastery in the village of Matejce, Friday Sept. 21, 2001 .Ethnic Albanian rebels agreed to allow a busload of Macedonian slavs to celebrate the "Birth of the Mother of God" orthodox holiday at the monastery located deep in the rebel National Liberation Army controlled territory as a sign of relaxation in inter-ethnic tensions. Grafitti on monastery wall is ethnic Albanian symbol and initials of the NLA. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda) A Macedonian Orthodox priest passes an armed ethnic Albanian rebel of the National Liberation Army in the village of Matejce, Macedonia, Friday Sept. 21 2001. Albanian rebels agreed to allow a busload of Macedonian Slavs to celebrate the "Birth of the Mother of God" Orthodox holiday at the monastery located deep in the NLA-controlled territory. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda) Orthodox Macedonians light candles under a National Liberation Army (NLA) rebels sign inside the old Matejce monastery September 21, 2001. The NLA allowed a group of Orthodox Macedonians to celebrate St. Mary's day at the monastery, situated deep in rebels controlled territory, as a sign that reconciliation is possible in Macedonia. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti Two Orthodox Macedonian priests pass by a National Liberation Army (NLA) rebel guarding the entrance at the old Matejce monastery September 21, 2001. The NLA permitted a group of Orthodox Macedonians to celebrate St. Mary's day at the monastery, situated deep in rebel-controlled territory, as a sign that reconciliation is possible in Macedonia. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti British troops quit Balkans to aid US. this is London by Robert Fox British troops are to be pulled out of Macedonia by next week to prepare to support the American operation codenamed Infinite Justice. A key British planning headquarters is being pulled back from an exercise in Oman to help prepare the British contribution to the operation. Yesterday US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced the deployment of 100 American combat aircraft to the Gulf region. The huge USS Theodore Roosevelt is heading towards the eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea to link up with two carriers already on station in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. The headquarters of 16 Air Assault Brigade and most of the 2nd Battalion the Parachute Regiment are due to leave Macedonia next week. They have been engaged in Operation Essential Harvest to collect weapons from Albanian rebels. "They have done a good job, and it is all but done," a senior military source said yesterday. "They are now needed elsewhere for other things." 16 Air Assault Brigade is the leading rapid response formation in the British Army and comprises the bulk of the Parachute Regiment with their specialised airborne engineering, artillery and signals units. Much of the Royal Marines' 3 Commando Brigade, the other main rapid response formation, is already in the Gulf region, engaged in a major exercise in Oman. The Joint Forces forward planning headquarters, commanded by Brigadier Peter Wall, is being pulled back from the Oman exercise to work on plans for British forces involved in Operation Infinite Justice. So far British operational commanders have been given no details of the US operation and do not even know the precise targets. Commanders of British formations in the UK and the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps are expecting to be given the plans by the weekend. The forwarding of some 100 US military planes to the Gulf, ordered yesterday, is seen as a first move in any operation against the Taliban in Afghanistan and possibly even Iraq. It is being emphasised from Washington that this is just a preliminary move in a phased plan which will last at least five years. The whole campaign, of which Infinite Justice is a part, is now expected to span 10 years at least. Among aircraft moving from the US are F15 Eagle and F16 Flying falcon fighter-bombers, B1 bombers, electronic surveillance planes and jammers, and refuelling tankers. B2 Stealth bombers may also be deployed but are capable of flying to Afghanistan from the US. The USS Theodore Roosevelt, one of the largest warships in commission, will join the USS Enterprise in the Arabian Sea and the USS Carl Vinson in the Indian Ocean. Together the three can deploy 225 aircraft. Military sources in London and the US say they do not expect an outright assault on Afghanistan to try to snatch Osama bin Laden and his henchmen. States believed to be sponsoring or hosting the terror network associated with Bin Laden, like Sudan, Yemen, North Korea and Iraq, could also be the scene for overt or covert operations. A main priority is to shore up General Musharraf in Pakistan who says his country is facing its worst crisis in 30 years with pressure from refugees from Afghanistan and extremist supporters of Bin Laden at home. Anxiety is growing about the flood of refugees to Tajikistan and Turkmenistan and the potential for conflict in Uzbekistan. On the trail of Bin Laden: Albania. the Scotsman UNITED States investigators tracking Osama bin Laden have reportedly been sent to Albania, where the exiled Saudi dissident has had a base for several years. Agents from the Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are in Tirana, the Albanian capital, trying to locate Arab mercenaries who are believed to be planning to use Albania as a springboard for terrorist attacks in the rest of Europe. Joint raids in recent years in Tirana by the CIA and Shik, the Albanian secret service, have led to several arrests but more terrorists linked to bin Laden are believed to be hiding in the country, much of which is controlled by clan leaders, making it hard for the government to hunt down terrorist suspects. Bin Laden arrived in Albania in 1994, posing as a wealthy Saudi Arabian businessman keen to offer help to charities rebuilding mosques and schools and bringing medicine and food to Europes poorest country after the fall of the communist regime. However, bin Laden is believed to have used aid work as a cover to infiltrate his operatives into the country. In a 1998 estimate, Shik said it had evidence of operatives from Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and several other Middle Eastern nations. Police believe bin Laden might have taken advantage of the theft of 100,000 Albanian passports during the chaos of a 1997 popular uprising in the wake of collapsed pyramid schemes. Infiltrating bin Laden operatives into the rest of Europe from Albania would be simple. In possession of the stolen passports, the terrorists could make use of gangs who regularly smuggle illegal immigrants across the Adriatic to Italy. The US moved against bin Laden following the bombing of its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. That same summer, CIA and Shik units arrested several men who were wanted by Egypt for plotting terrorist acts. The men were extradited to Egypt, tried and executed The spotlight fell on bin Laden in Albania with the arrest in 1998 of a French passport holder, Claude Kader, who was believed to be of Middle Eastern origin. He confessed to being a member of one of bin Ladens groups and told investigators he had been sent to give weapons to the guerrillas of the Kosovo Liberation Army, then beginning their war against the Serbs. The KLA had promised US officials it would not co-operate with fundamentalists. Mr Kader said the KLA had turned him down and that he had returned to Albania, still with his weapons. A few weeks later, after a row in his flat in Tirana, he shot dead his Albanian interpreter and was tried for murder. However, he told prosecutors that four other bin Laden operatives remained at large. In response the US turned its Tirana embassy into a fortress, with concrete barricades and watch towers with machine-guns. A massive intelligence effort to track down the rest of bin Ladens organisation also resulted. War against terrorism. the Toronto Star - www.thestar.com/ The United States has proposed an international coalition, with a military component, to fight against terrorism. Many countries have offered partial, if not full, backing and so far only four countries are completely opposed. An outline of countries and their willingness to participate follows below. 
Full Backing. Australia: Backing U.S., will offer troops. Britain: Will also offer military, fully behind U.S. Bulgaria: Ready to offer troops. Canada: Will offer military assistance, 100 per cent support. Greece: Offers any help possible, hosts large U.S. military base. Wants to review security for 2004 Olympics in Athens. India: Will allow U.S. forces to use its facilities to launch strikes, plus logistical help. New Zealand: Support tied to Aussies. Norway: To commit troops and military aid. Philippines: May allow coalition to use airports and seaports. Spain: Has offered its air bases for any retaliatory strikes; has promised to act "without any reservations." Uzbekistan: May loan its military bases for the deployment of U.S. troops. 
Will cooperate, but not militarily. Algeria: Supportive, will offer intelligence. Armenia: Condemned U.S.attacks. Austria: Its constitution bans sending troops, but will allow airspace to be used. Azerbaijan: Offers intelligence assistance. Bahrain: Supportive. Bangladesh: One of the most populous Muslim states, has pledged support. Belgium: Says it's not at war, wants balanced U.S. response. Brunei: Sent condolences to U.S. Croatia: Support fighting terrorism, but worries about being isolated. Denmark: Condolences offered and will help investigation. Ethiopia: Condemned attack on U.S. Finland: Helping with surveillance. France: Has reservations, wants "appropriate" attack. Germany: No troops and warned U.S. to be balanced. Hungary: Expressed "full solidarity" with U.S. Israel: Backs U.S., but balks at American request to meet Palestinian leaders. Fears if U.S. attacks Iraq, Saddam Hussein will target Israel. Italy: Foreign minister in Washington this week, but will not participate. Japan: Will help in any way, but constitution prevents military action. Jordan: Supportive, police will help investigation, but its Muslim leaders opposed. Kazakhstan: Supportive, but fears war could destabilize Muslim region. Kuwait: Liberated in the Gulf War, backs U.S. Kyrgyzstan: Worried about a massive refugee exodus. Lebanon: Condemned U.S. attacks but warned against aggressive response. Malaysia: Has tightened security and aided Pentagon with intelligence, but warns violent response could increase terrorism. Morocco: Supportive, will offer intelligence. Mozambique: Condemned attack on U.S., but demands "balanced" American response. Oman: Supportive. Pakistan: Fully supportive, will allow military base and use of airspace, has closed border to Afghanistan. But trying to ward off a U.S. attack by seeking terrorist Osama bin Laden's arrest. Russia: Backs strikes on Afghanistan but no troops, says U.S. military can take care of itself. Saudi Arabia: Bin Laden's former home, could be U.S.'s best source of intelligence. Will assist investigation. Tajikistan: May offer airspace and military bases to U.S.-led force, will consult with Russia. Tunisia: Supportive. 
Undecided. Egypt: Says its too early to talk of an alliance against "terrorism" and the United States should think twice before taking military action that would kill civilians. Indonesia: Deputy leader said World Trade and Pentagon attacks may "cleanse the sins of the United States," yet president to visit Washington tomorrow to meet Bush. Iran: Sending positive signals, including closing border. But may not be part of coalition. Powell wants to "explore" potential co-operation. Ireland: Feels a United Nations-led response warranted, but feels attack on Afghanistan would be wrong and will not defeat terrorism. Kenya: Offered condolences but appealed to U.S. to show restraint. Palestine: Opposed Gulf War effort, but Yasser Arafat gave blood for American victims last week. Many citizens strongly opposed. Syria: Expressed sympathy and may help, but has long sponsored terrorism. United Arab Emirates: Formally recognizes Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia, but has expressed some support to U.S. 
Opposed. Afghanistan: Ruling Taliban militia has closed its airspace and is believed to be harbouring bin Laden. Opposes strikes, warns of regional reprisals and "holy war." China: Warned counter strike would "aggravate terrorism and violence." Iraq: Opposes U.S. policy and expects to be a target. Libya: Still believed to fund terrorists. Carla Fell in Love with Kubrat at First Sight. Standartnews The PM's daughter-in-law has graduated in law, she works as a designer, writes books and makes and cucumber-and-yoghurt soup. Carla is the princess, who has visited Bulgaria most often. On Tuesday she arrived in our country for the third time. The wife of the third son of the Prime Minister, prince Kubrat, brought his sons Mirko and Luca. For the first time the grandchildren of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came to Bulgaria. The two boys are 6 and 4-year-old. We will not visit any other cities, we want to spent some time with King Simeon, Carla said on her arrival. Yet, she had a business meeting with Dimitar Stankov, head of the 'Alex Print' publishing house in Varna. The two of them discussed the forthcoming premiere of her second book entitled 'Mother - She's One and Only' in Bulgaria. It will be released in the middle of October. Her first book, 'Good Manners in Public', has four editions already. It's difficult to say who of the PM's daughters-in-law is the most gentle and beautiful. Because all four of them are beautiful and intelligent women. Despite that people say of the wife of the third King's son that she behaves most naturally. May be that's because she's the one who's best-known in Bulgaria. The truth is that airs and graces are not feature of Carla's character. She talks frankly and naturally. I fell in love with Kubrat at first sight, I don't feel uneasy to say that, that's what the princess said openly some time ago. The son of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was presented to her by a cousin of hers. At that very moment she knew that he was the man of her heart. The two of them are married since 1993. Their god-parents were heirs to the Spanish crown, Felipe and his sister Cristina. Despite the fact that after her marriage she was given the title of princess, Carla gets embarrassed when someone addresses her as Your Highness. Her life is quite different from the popular vision of someone spoilt because of her 'blue blood'. She works hard and is a well-known window-dresser for shops and offices. She is also a parties' organizer. Despite that she has studied law. In the middle of my study I understood that I can't stay closed in a lawyer's office and decide cases, she said. However, she graduated. After that she became a designer. Together with her friend Carmen she has a producer's studio called 'C Plus C'. For three years already Carla arranges the stands and stages promotions of the French cosmetic giant 'L'OREAL'. The experts in the Spanish capital often repeat, that Carla is the only princess they have seen who gets down to work after the reviews and decorates pavilions with her own hands. Carla herself says, that she prefers classical dresses, but has nothing against the voguish whims. On top of it all she can cook. She often gives to friends her own recipe for pork ribs, which are Kubrat's favourite ones. She herself fell in love with yoghurt and chopped cucumbers soup after she became a member of the royal family. This is my favourite meal, the princess says. Anelia Basheva (PY) The Cabinet Decides To Update MIG-29. Standartnews The Bulgarian army will update the MiG-29 fighters, the ministers decided yesterday. The item was included as extraordinary in the agenda of the sitting. The resources for the modernization will be provided by the '2002 military budget. The communication, radio-navigation and reconnaissance equipment of the Russian made fighters will be changed. The ministers decided that the modernization of the 'MiGs' would be the country's best option. There is another option - to purchase US F-16 fighters if Bulgaria can afford it financially. Evgeni Genov (SB Two of the Bulgarians Found. Standartnews Mitko Petrov, one of the five sought for Bulgarians had died a natural death, sources from Bulgaria's Foreign Ministry said yesterday. Petrov left for the USA 34 years ago. The inquiry about him had been submitted by a first cousin of his who hadn't had any contact with him for a long time. Contacts have already been established with Kamen Balchiiski of whom there had been no information a day earlier. He is safe and sound. No applications for searching out Bulgarians in New York and Washington were submitted yesterday. However, the list of the General Consulate already includes over 60 Bulgarians with whom contacts are being sought. Nadelina Aneva (SB) Security Measures Tightened in 'Arsenal' Standartnews The security measures in the mines and power plants of "Maritsa-Iztok' have been stepped up following last week's terrorist attacks on the USA, confirmed sources from the RPD in Radnevo which along with several private firms has been guarding the power engineering complex. The admission regime has been tightened with new beats included in the night squads. The fire-fighting department of 'Maritsa-iztok' has also been alerted. Tightened as well has been the regime in the 'Arsenal' armory in Kazanlak, which is among the strategic sites in Stara Zagora district. Matei Bonev (SB Eight Tons of Toluene Exploded in Gorna Oryahovitsa. Standartnews A 22-year-old worker was lethally burned, many cars are destroyed, a plant and vocational training school are evacuated Eight tons of toluene exploded in the "Rosachim" plant close to the railway station in the town of Gorna Oryahovitsa. A 22-year-old worker, Peter Petrov, got lethal burns. He is hospitalized in a local clinic with 90 percent burns all over his body. At 10.30 a.m. the workers started to fill the 8-ton cistern with combustible substance. For some reason the cistern caught fire and exploded. Chunks of metal scattered around and it became as hot as the inside of a furnace, witnesses said. The victim stood closest to the scene of the accident. The whole region is veiled in toxic smoke. High temperature caused several secondary explosions. The cars parked around the place were burned. The witnesses saw only loose tin sheets flying around. There is a risk that the main, running close to the fire, will blast too, fire-fighters warned. The chemical plant produces spirit and acetone. The vocational training school located close to the scene of the accident was evacuated. Workers from the nearby "Record" plant were evacuated, too. Ivan Ivanov (MG)  Nellie Kutskova was nominated Vice President of President Petar Stoyanov. News.bg The member of Supreme Judicial Council Nellie Kutskova was nominated by President Petar Stoyanov candidate Vice President in the President - Vice President candidature of Petar Stoyanov for the forthcoming presidential elections. Speaking for his decision to nominate Nellie Kutskova candidate Vice President, President Petar Stoyanov mentioned some of his reasons. He emphasized the impeccable professionalism of Nellie Kutskova, her implacability to corruption, and her directness, sincerity and openness. He explained that he was so much insisting on these qualities because of their affinity to his own value system. Nellie Kutskova said the following: "I have many ideas and I am not lazy person. I have never felt strong desire to assume higher power positions, but I am flattered by the offer of Petar Stoyanov and I have the ambition to prove that the Vice Presidential position could offer many possibilities for active political work. This position could be used to mobilize resources of popular opinion in overcoming difficulties of our time." President Petar Stoyanov did not forget to thank the current Vice President Todor Kavaljiev with the following words: "During the whole time of our working together, I had been drawing courage on his ultimate moral imperative." Bulgarian head of state also said that latest changes in political situation in Bulgaria would not allow him to run for President together with his present Vice President. At the end of his speech, President Petar Stoyanov expressed his hope that Nellie Kutskova would attract a broader circle of voters, and mostly women, because she is combining the success of the professional with exemplary personal and family life. MACEDONIAN PARLIAMENT ADOPTED DRAFT-AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. MIA The deputies in the Macedonian Parliament determined the text of the 15 draft-amendments, which refer to certain articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. The conclusions from the session were reached with 68 votes in favor, 24 against, while two deputies abstained from voting. The draft-amendments will be put on public debate, which will last until October 4th, and will be published in all daily newspapers in Macedonia. All citizens, political parties, civic associations and other participants in the debate will be able to submit their remarks and suggestions to the submitter of the draft-amendments, President of the Republic of Macedonia Boris Trajkovski, as well as to the Parliament commission for constitutional affairs. The Commission is obliged to monitor the public debate, to develop a report on the results and to submit the results to the submitter or to the parliament. The submitter is obliged to prepare the text of the draft-amendments and to submit them to the Parliament. The conclusions will be published in the official gazette of the Republic of Macedonia. Following drat-amendments of the Macedonian Constitution are adopted: AMENDMENT 4 1. The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, taking over responsibility for the present and future of their fatherland, aware and grateful to their predecessors for their sacrifice and dedication in their endeavors and struggle to create an independent and sovereign state of Macedonia, and responsible to future generations to preserve and develop everything that is valuable from the rich cultural inheritance and coexistence within Macedonia, equal in rights and obligations towards the common good - the Republic of Macedonia, in accordance with the tradition of the Krusevo Republic and the decisions of the Antifascist People's Liberation Assembly of Macedonia, and the Referendum of September 8, 1991, they have decided to establish the Republic of Macedonia as an independent, sovereign state, with the intention of establishing and consolidating rule of law, guaranteeing human rights and civil liberties, providing peace and coexistence, social justice, economic well-being and prosperity in the life of individual and the community, and in this regard through their representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, elected in free and democratic elections, they adopt this CONSTITUTION 2. Paragraph 1 of this amendment refers to the Preamble of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 5 1. The Macedonian language, written using its Cyrillic alphabet, is the official language throughout the Republic of Macedonia and in the international relations of the Republic of Macedonia. Any other language spoken by at least 20 percent of the population is also an official language, written using its alphabet, as specified bellow. Any official personal documents of citizens speaking an official language other than Macedonian shall also be issued in that language, in addition to the Macedonian language, in accordance with the law. Any person living in a unit of local self-government in which at least 20 percent of the population speaks an official language other than Macedonian may use any official language to communicate with the regional office of the central government with responsibility for that municipality; such an office shall reply in that language in addition to Macedonian. In the organs of the Republic of Macedonia, any official language other than Macedonian may be used in accordance with the law. In the units of local self-government where at least 20 percent pf the population speaks a particular language, that language and its alphabet shall be used as an official language in addition to the Macedonian language and the Cyrillic alphabet. With respect to languages spoken by less that 20 percent of the population of a unit of local self-government, the local authorities shall decide on their use in public debates. 2.This amendment refers to the Article 7 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 6 1. Equitable representation of persons belonging to all communities in public bodies at all levels and in other areas of public life. 2. This amendment is to be added to the Article 8 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 7 1. The Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Islamic Religious Community in Macedonia, the Catholic Church, and other Religious communities and groups are separate from the state and equal before the law. 2. The Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Islamic Religious Community in Macedonia, the Catholic Church and other Religious communities and groups are free to establish schools and other social and charitable institutions, by ways of a procedure regulated by law. 3. Paragraph 1 of this amendment refers to paragraph 3, and paragraph 2 to paragraph 4 of the Article 19 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 8 1. Members of the communities have a right freely to express, foster and develop their identity and community attributes, and to use their community symbols. The Republic guarantees the protection of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of all communities. Members of communities have the right to establish institutions of culture, art, science and education, as well as scholarly and other associations for the expression, fostering and development of their identity. Members of communities have the right to instruction in their language in primary and secondary education, as determined by law. In schools where education is carried out in other language, the Macedonian language is also studied. 2. This amendment refers to the Article 48 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 9 1. The Republic guarantees the protection, promotion and enhancement of the historical and artistic heritage of Macedonia and all communities in Macedonia and the treasures of which it is composed, regardless of their legal status. 2. This amendment is refers to paragraph 2 of the Article 56 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 10 1. For laws that directly affect culture, use of language, education, personal documentation, and use of symbols, the Assembly makes decisions by a majority vote of the Representatives attending, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the Representatives attending who claim to belong to the communities not in the majority in the population of Macedonia. In the event of a dispute within the Assembly regarding the application of this provision, the Committee of Inter-Community Relations shall resolve the dispute. 2.This amendment is to be added to the Article 69 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 11 1. The Assembly elects the Public Attorney by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives claiming to belong to the communities not in the majority in the population of Macedonia. 2. The Public Attorney protects the constitutional rights of citizens when violated by bodies of state administration and by other bodies and organizations with public mandates. The Public Attorney shall give particular attention to safeguarding the principles of non-discrimination and equitable representation in public bodies at all levels and other areas of public life. 3. Paragraph 1 of this amendment refers to paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 to paragraph 2 of the Article 77 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 12 1. The Assembly shall establish a Committee for Inter-Community Relations. The Committee consists of seven members each from the ranks of the Macedonians and Albanians within the Assembly, and five members from among the Turks, Vlachs, Romanies, Serbs and Bosnians. If fewer that five other communities are represented in the Assembly, the Public Attorney, after consultation with relevant community leaders, shall propose the remaining members from outside the Assembly. The Assembly elects the members of the Committee. The Committee considers issues of inter-community relations in the Republic of Macedonia and make appraisals and proposals for their solution. The assembly is obliged to take into consideration the appraisals and proposals of the Committee and to make decisions regarding them. In the event of dispute among members of the Assembly regarding the application of the voting procedure, specified in Article 69(2), the Committee shall decide by majority vote whether the procedure applies. 2. Paragraph 1 of this amendment refers to Article 78, and annuls the aline 7 of the Article 84 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 13 1. In appointing three members, the President shall ensure that the security Council as a whole equitably reflects the composition of the population of Macedonia. 2. This amendment is to be added to paragraph 2 of the Article 86 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 14 1. Three members of the Republic Judicial Council shall be elected by a majority vote of the total number of the Assembly Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives claiming to belong to the communities not in majority in the population of Macedonia. 2.This amendment is to be added to paragraph 2 of the Article 104 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 15 1. The Assembly elects six of the judges of the Constitutional Court by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives. The Assembly elects three of the judges by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives claiming to belong to the communities not in majority in the population of Macedonia. 2. This amendment refers to paragraph 2 of the Article 109 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 16 1. Local self-government is regulated by a law adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives claiming to belong to the communities not in majority in the population of Macedonia. The laws on local finances, local elections, boundaries of municipalities, and the city of skopje shall be adopted by a majority vote of the Representatives attending, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives claiming to belong to the communities not in majority in the population of Macedonia. 2. This amendment refers to paragraph 5 of the Article 114 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 17 1. In units of local self-government, citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of local relevance particularly in the fields of public services, urban and rural planning, environmental protection, local economic development, local finances, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, health care and other fields determined by law. 2.This amendment refers to paragraph 1 of the Article 115 of the Macedonian Constitution. AMENDMENT 18 1. A decision to amend the Preamble, the articles on local self-government, Article 131, any provision relating to the rights of members of communities, including in particular Articles 7, 8, 9, 19, 48, 56, 69, 77, 78, 86, 104 and 109, as well as decision to add any new provision relating to the subject matter of such provisions and articles, shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives claiming to belong to the communities not in majority in the population of Macedonia. 2. This amendment is to be added to the Article 131 of the Macedonian Constitution. French troops training in Bulgaria. the Sofia Echo Bulgarian Defence Minister Nikolai Svinarov and French Ambassador Jean-Loup Kuhl signed an agreement on Monday for the training of French troops on Bulgarian territory. The agreement provides for the conduct of the third training session of French troops on the Novo Selo shooting range in southern Bulgaria, which will be held from October 5 to December 3. The estimated cost of the exercise will be about 400,000 leva, which will be paid by France. Trainees will be soldiers from the Third Mechanized Brigade of Limoges. According to the French embassy, the facilities allow for long-range practice activities and logistical manoeuvres, and comply with the standards set by the new French military doctrine. |