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Joy in Alma Mater. Sofia University opened the new academic year yesterday. But while students were celebrating, Rector Boyan Biolchev accented on the problems. Bulgarian education has turned into a flea-market of semi-higher incompetence. We lack study halls and buildings, the rector complained. Photo: Marina Angelova (AB)

SU Rector: Sofia University Is Turned into Flea Market.


The Bulgarian education has been turned into a flea market for the sale of a semi-higher incompetence, Prof. Boyan Biolchev, Rector of Sofia University pointed out yesterday. The inauguration of the academic year in Alma Mater was attended by President Peter Stoyanov, education minister Vladimir Atanassov and Patriarch Maxim. We need study halls and buildings, up to 30 lecturers are forced to work in one and the same study, Prof. Biolchev added. By yesterday the Sofia University hadn't specified the precise number of the master's degrees, to be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science for approval. We won't let the ones who want to study be left in the street, Prof. Biolchev said.

Nadelina Aneva
Ralitsa Vassileva

Everybody Backed Me, I'm Very Proud.

INTERVIEW: Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Statement made at 9.20 p.m. on Tuesday at the building of the president's administration.

The NMS II approached the discussion of this issue with great responsibility. The decision I set forth before you today, is not grounded on the narrow partisan logic that only one, independently nominated by the NMS candidate, be put up. Our stand is based on a profound analysis of the political situation in this country, in Europe, in the world, on the staunch defense of Bulgaria's national interests. This approach requires willingness for personal self-sacrifice and proves that we do not aim to draw lines of division but to reach a consensus in solving the major problems of the Bulgarian society. To my mind, this is also a guarantee of national unity, as well as of success in our efforts to raise the living standards of our fellow-countrymen, as well as in combatting corruption. The stand of the NMS II is a clear sign of consistence in Bulgaria's foreign policy, oriented to full membership in the European Union and NATO. A sign that the NMS II shares the values of the European Popular Parties.

- How will you comment on the response of the MRF?

- Let it be clear - our agreements with the MRF are political, coalition ones, on the kind of the policy we are to carry out in ruling this country. The presidential elections are quite a different thing. And everyone has the right to decide how to proceed. If Mr Dogan decides to back us or to call upon people to cast their ballots in accordance with their own fair judgement - it is his own business. It is not me to estimate him.

- Did the entire PG back you?

- Yes, that's right. This is why I'm very proud and happy.

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