Enter content here Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski watches the voting for the Constitutional changes on a parliament session in Skopje, early Friday morning, Nov. 16, 2001. Macedonia's Parliament voted Friday morning to adopt a series of constitutional changes aimed at giving ethnic Albanians more rights. (AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski) Macedonian minority parliament representatives offer congratulations on their success during a parliamentary session to ratify reforms crucial to a peace deal with minority Albanians in Skopje November 16, 2001. Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski declared that all former ethnic Albanian guerrillas, including convicts, would be covered by an amnesty except those indictable by the U.N. war crimes tribunal. (Ognen Teofilovski/Reuters) The speaker of the Macedonian Parliament Stojan Andov, left, talks to ethnic Albanian lawmakers before voting to change the Constitution, in a break of a session of the parliament, in Skopje, early Friday morning, Nov. 16, 2001. Macedonia's Parliament voted Friday morning to adopt a series of constitutional changes aimed at giving ethnic Albanians more rights. (AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski) Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, center, gestures while talking to unidentified lawmakers, following the voting to change the Constitution on a parliament session in Skopje, early Friday morning, Nov. 16, 2001. Macedonia's Parliament voted Friday morning to adopt a series of constitutional changes aimed at giving ethnic Albanians more rights. (AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski) French soldiers, members of NATO mission in Macedonia-TFF (Task Force Fox) prepare to patrol the outskirts of Skopje November 16, 2001. Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski declared that all former ethnic Albanian guerrillas, including convicts, would be covered by an amnesty except those indictable by the U.N. war crimes tribunal. (Ognen Teofilovski/Reuters) Bulgarian President Petar Stoyanov speaks under the picture of his rival Georgi Parvanov during a TV-debate in Sofia late November 16, 2001. Bulgarians will elect a President on Sunday in a tight race between incumbent President Petar Stoyanov and Socialist party leader Georgi Parvanov, which takes place against the backround of political apathy and over poverty. REUTERS/Oleg Popov The leader of Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and presidential candidate Georgi Parvanov listens under the picture if his rival, the current President Petar Stoyanov during a TV-debate in Sofia late November 16, 2001. Bulgarians will elect a President on Sunday in a tight race between incumbent President Petar Stoyanov and Socialist party leader Georgi Parvanov, which takes place against the backround of political apathy and over poverty. REUTERS/Oleg Popov A female supporter of Bulgarian socialist party (BSP) holds a picture of the party's leader and presidential candidate Georgi Parvanov during a pre-election rally in the centre of Sofia November 16, 2001. Bulgarians will elect a President on Sunday in a tight race between incumbent President Petar Stoyanov and Socialist party leader Georgi Parvanov, which takes place against the backround of political apathy and over poverty. REUTERS/Oleg Popov Drama In Macedonian Parliament. Reality Macedonia Macedonian Parliament early Friday held the 90th session and passed the decision for adopting of the 15 amendments of the Macedonian constitution submitted by the Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski. Draft-decision for adopting the 15 amendments of the constitution has been passed with 94 votes "for" and 13 "against." Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, who submitted the amendments, also participated at the session. Prior to the 90th session, the Parliament within the frameworks of the 86th session has approved the amendments to the constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. 93 parliamentarians voted "for" and 14 "against" for the draft-amendment that refers to the preamble. After the 90th session, the Parliament continued the debate and with 85 votes "for" and only three votes "against" revoked the mandate of the parliamentarian Hisni Sakiri, who took part in the so-called NLA. Prior to that, at the debate which started late on Friday, using their Rule Book right to acquaint the public with their voting intentions, Nikola Jovanov, Ljubcho Anusev, Stojan Popov and Radomir Karangelovski said they would not support the constitutional changes. According to Stojan Popov, "the century-long aim of the Macedonian people for its own state fades by the mechanical, casual mentioning of the Macedonian people in the Preamble." Kastriot Haxhirexha, representative of the Democratic Party of the Albanians, abandoned the meeting, for, as he said "he felt like he has no rights to participate in the further building of Macedonia as a state, whereat the Albanians are perpetually treated as minority through quips and pranks." Just before the start of the voting process, Aleksandar Florovski, VMRO-DPMNE representative, pointed out that President Boris Trajkovski was to participate in this session as well. Zvonko Mircevski, also a VMRO-DPMNE representative, shared his opinion. In his address he urged the signers of the Framework Agreement to make efforts once again and restore the peace in Macedonia. The independent representative, Mevljem Tahiri, explained that he would vote for the constitutional changes, for "to at least try and say "no" to the state of being without any perspective, as well as to cease the rage in Macedonia." Gjorgji Todorov, VMRO-DPMNE, believes that if the constitutional changes are adopted, a space for abrogation of the Macedonian state will be created, which would lead towards new legislative problems. All of the security structures are to unite and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia, as he said, should be restored. Biljalj Ljutviu, DPA, believes that the time has come to finally adopt the Framework Agreement, announcing that he and the members of his parliament group will vote "for", as they are persuaded that the constitutional changes are for the benefit of the Albanian people, as well as for all citizens of Macedonia. They know their way is the right one. According to him, Kastriot Haxhirexha has no right to give them lectures on morality and that his mandate should be revoked due to his "cowardliness expressed through his leaving the session." The VMRO-VMRO representative, Vangel Simev believes that a disgraceful agreement was signed. There is no excuse for the absence of the President, Boris Trajkovski at this session too, according to his opinion. "All terms set by the assembly for this session to take place were not fulfilled, i.e. the displaced persons are not back in their homes, the terrorist attacks continue, there are still occupied territories and there is no guarantee for peace, which makes us wonder if there will ever be a guarantee for peace, even after the constitutional changes are adopted," said Natalija Markovic-Dimova, representative of the New Democracy Party. Savo Klimovski, representative of the Democratic Alternative, said he did not agree with the constitutional changes, for he does not want to become a consisting part of the logical conclusion from a capitular politics." "I don't agree with these amendments, because the Macedonian people is held hostage by some quasi-politicians that intend to manipulate with this people. I dont want to be part of it and thereby take over the responsibility. These amendments are ruining the concept of the Macedonian constitution in general. Within the last three-four months the crisis is being even more intensified, instead of being surpassed. There is no guarantee that by adopting these amendments the crisis would be solved," said Klimovski. Ilija Lazarov, VMRO-DPMNE, explained that he would cast his vote "for", although he believed that the Parliament and Macedonia are under pressure and that the International community realized what is the meaning of the word "terror" now, after the terrorist attacks on September 11.  10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST MACEDONIAN CONSTITUTION, ADDRESS OF STOJAN ANDOV. MIA "We celebrate the 10th anniversary since the adoption of the first Macedonian constitution. In spite of the circumstances in which we celebrate this event, we believe it is a historic act that marked the establishment of Macedonia as an independent state. We will always be proud of that day, said Macedonian Parliament Speaker Stojan Andov at the reception organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the first Macedonian Constitution. Furthermore, Andov said that no matter what the amendments to that Constitution are, it will still be a fundament of this state and its highest legislation. "With the adoption of the Constitution in 1991 as an official legislation of the state, the citizens of Macedonia have expressed their wish to have an independent state, which was demonstrated on September 8, 1991. Macedonia was then affirmed as an independent state in the Balkans and in Europe. Many of the injustices made against the Macedonian people in the 20th century were then corrected," said Andov. According to him, these 15 amendments make significant changes to the Constitution. "There were extreme excitements and tensed situations in regard of the procedure of their adoption. Their basic formulation was stated in the Framework Agreement on August 13, 2001. The whole package was submitted to the Macedonian Assembly and was believed that the Assembly should serve as a folding screen for the already determined solutions. Yet, the Assembly acted democratically and powerfully, conducted the complete procedure for adoption of the amendments as a legislative body elected directly by the citizens of this country. The discussion in the Parliament and the panel discussion on the constitutional amendments, as he said, proved that there were some formulations in the Framework Agreement that can not be accepted by the Assembly, for these violate the national identity of the Macedonian people. "Today, since the amendments are adopted, we should be aware of the results. The Assembly has confirmed the national identity of the Macedonian people and has strengthened its legal grounds. On the other hand it has enhanced the rights of the minorities in the country and has made the guarantees for their realization more determined. In that way the Assembly created a solid ground for an increased loyalty of the Macedonian citizens," concluded Andov. He said we should stop feeling self-compassion, expecting someone's mercy and understanding. We should be aware that our success and our future depend on our knowledge and our courage to deal with the situation the way it is. "The situation is not inconvenient, but opens good opportunities for everybody to prove themselves and express their capabilities for creativity, production and development," said Andov. The mutual confidence among the citizens needs to be strengthened, as he said, without difference of their origin and religious beliefs. The confidence toward our democratic governmental institutions should also be regained. "We should urgently make an effort, along with the international community, to recover the economic power of the country and to give a chance to all the citizens to successfully stand on their feet, as well as to devote ourselves to the peace, democracy and prosperity of this country. We have much bigger understanding and support from the international community now, that at the beginning and during the crisis. Therefore, we have bigger opportunities for successful affirmation of Macedonia and its Euro-Atlantic integration," stressed Andov. At the ceremony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary since the adoption of the Macedonian Constitution, President Boris Trajkovski, Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski, some Ministers, MPs, representatives of the international community, representatives of the religious communities in the country, of the judiciary, as well as representatives of the Macedonian diplomatic core were present.  ADDRESS OF MACEDONIAN PRIME MINISTER LJUBCHO GEORGIEVSKI. MIA "Now, when the constitutional amendments are adopted, we should pay attention to the future, although we all know that these constitutional changes were imposed through terrorism, force and pressure," said Ljubcho Georgievski, Macedonian Prime Minister at the ceremony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary since the adoption of the first Macedonian Constitution. Furthermore, Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski said, "those who have elaborated this bloody scenario for Macedonia are too powerful enemies for us to fight them," expressing his hopes that the justice of God will reach for them very soon. The Macedonian territory is not reintegrated yet, the displaced people are not in their homes, while the Republic of Macedonia is still not a sovereign country all over its territory, in spite of the fact that the constitutional amendments had been adopted, pointed out Georgievski. "Since the constitutional changes are already voted out, I see no reasons why Macedonia shouldn't get completely reintegrated, starting from tomorrow. The Macedonian Government is prepared to do that and I hope there will be no obstructions," said the Prime Minister. The reintegration will again open a big discussion of the Macedonian political factors, as well as of the international factors. He expressed his fears that the reintegration might be a "several months" durable process. Most probably, according to the Prime Minister, there will be premature parliamentary elections in our country. "Nobody is trying to avoid the elections, but we have to give the priority to the reintegration of the Macedonian territory, for we must not allow such situation of our country, in which about 10 per cent of the territory is not controlled during the election process," said Georgievski. The implementation of the Framework Agreement, according to the Prime Minister, will be a process that will last maybe a year or more. "The Constitution is not to be understood tragically. If you ask me, the practical part, i.e. the reintegration of the Macedonian territory is more tragical. How can we retrieve the minimum of what was a co-life between the Macedonians and the Albanians ten months ago," said Georgievski. He reminded on the amnesty announced by the President Boris Trajkovski and acknowledged by the Government, pointing out that all those representatives, who participated in the clashes, but committed no war crimes for which the Hague Tribunal is in charge, will be amnestied. About the security situation in the country, Prime Minister Georgievski said it was still maximally critical. "No one can blame the Macedonian administrative bodies, or Macedonia as a state for poor human rights record. All the demands were fulfilled yesterday. There is no reason for tensed security situation, but still we can all feel it and see it out there. The members of the Macedonian security forces know that the best, as they are still in a way a target of the terrorist activities," said Macedonian Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski. Pointing out that the reintegration of the Macedonian territory should start very soon, Macedonian Prime Minister expressed his beliefs once again that it will not be obstructed either from the Macedonian politicians, nor from the international community. "All the requirements were fulfilled by Macedonia. Now, we have to enforce that in practice, striving toward stabilization, reintegration and security," said Macedonian Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski. ADDRESS OF MACEDONIAN PRESIDENT BORIS TRAJKOVSKI. MIA "Today we celebrate the anniversary of the first Macedonian Constitution in 1991. This Constitution was one of the main fundaments for establishment of the Macedonian statehood and its independence, said Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski at the reception in the Parliament, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary since the adoption of the first Macedonian Constitution. According to him, the Constitution of 1991 proved that it was a good constitution and the extended compliments were fully justified. "The amendments to the Constitution are also very important, foremost for reduced crisis in Macedonia. There are only some small alterations in regard to the standards of the national minorities in the Republic of Macedonia. All the other part of the Constitution remained intact," said President Trajkovski. With these changes, Macedonia proved it has power and capacities to increase the rights of the minorities above the international criteria. The constitutional changes, as he said, represent a natural and expected outcome for continuation of the process for democratization of Macedonia. About the security situation in the country, Macedonian President said it was obvious that there were some armed groups left in the country, but with the amnesty and the adopted constitutional changes, there would be no ground for continuation of the crisis in Macedonia. "If other way, they will have no other excuse, but to admit they were not fighters for human rights, but conquerors, fighting for territories or some individual interests," underlined President Boris Trajkovski. He pointed out that he expected from the international community to assist the Macedonian security forces in their returning in the crisis regions. He also expressed his belief that the local inhabitants would welcome the security forces. ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT BORIS TRAJKOVSKI TO THE PUBLIC. MIA Skopje, November 16 (MIA) - Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski addressed to the public on the occasion of the adoption of the changes to the Constitution by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia stressing his pleasure from the act. "Allow me to congratulate the members of the Parliament who voted, to those that voted "in favor," to those that voted "against" and to those that abstained. Their participation in this process showed that our democratic values and ideals have prevailed over the law of violence. I thank to our friends from the international community who showed patience and worked with us in this endeavor and to congratulate the leaders of other parties for their work and commitment in achieving peace during the whole process. This victory belongs to all the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia," the President said. The President stressed that there is still a great deal of work before us. We must immediately reestablish the sovereignty and the rule of law throughout the whole territory of Macedonia. We must ensure the return of the displaced persons to their homes before the start of winter. We must reconstruct their homes and repair the infrastructure. We must ensure the return of the children to school. We must initiate the process of healing and overcoming of differences. We must never forget what happened to our country during this year, but we must learn to forgive and continue to step forward in the realization of the tasks ahead of us. "We now call on the international community to help. We have fulfilled our share of commitments now they have to fulfill their share. We expect an unreserved support and involvement from the international community for the return of the security forces in the crisis regions. We call on a soon organization of the donors' conference that was promised. We must renew our shattered economy and this conference would mark only the beginning of this process. We renew our call on the international community for the recognition of our constitutional name - Republic of Macedonia. This would represent a true support to our sovereignty, identity and huge contribution to a lasting stability in the region," Trajkovski said. According to the President, "we have welcomed the position of the United States of America to characterize all future acts of armed provocations from Albanian groups in Macedonia as acts of terrorism. We call on all those that think that violence is a solution to the problems, to lay down their arms and to reintegrate in the community. Fighting has no logics. Violence is not a response - economic development is." "From now on we are focused on the bright future of Macedonia. Economic development is crucial to our success that will again make us a factor of stability," Trajkovski said. He added: "Macedonia and all its citizens must focus on economic reforms, fight against corruption, attraction of foreign capital and enhancement of regional cooperation." According to President Trajkovski, Macedonia is deeply convinced that membership in Euro-Atlantic integrations, NATO and the European Union, are necessary preconditions to its stability, security and development. "We will complete our obligations indispensable for membership and we call on the international community to assist us in the realization of our goals. The courage shown by the members of the Parliament in adopting this huge decision, in very difficult circumstances, makes me confident that Macedonia is on the right path," Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski said in his address to the public. PARLIAMENT PASSES DECISION TO ADOPT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. MIA Macedonian Parliament early Friday held the 90th session and passed the decision for adopting of the 15 amendments of the Macedonian constitution submitted by the Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski. Draft-decision for adopting the 15 amendments of the constitution has been passed with 94 votes "for" and 13 "against." Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, who submitted the amendments, also participated at the session. Prior to the 90th session, the Parliament within the frameworks of the 86th session has approved the amendments to the constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. 93 parliamentarians voted "for" and 14 "against" for the draft-amendment that refers to the preamble. After the 90th session, the Parliament continued the debate and with 85 votes "for" and only three votes "against" revoked the mandate of the parliamentarian Hisni Sakiri, who took part in the so-called NLA. Prior to that, at the debate which started late on Friday, using their Rule Book right to acquaint the public with their voting intentions, Nikola Jovanov, Ljubcho Anusev, Stojan Popov and Radomir Karangelovski said they would not support the constitutional changes. According to Stojan Popov, "the century-long aim of the Macedonian people for its own state fades by the mechanical, casual mentioning of the Macedonian people in the Preamble." Kastriot Haxhirexha, representative of the Democratic Party of the Albanians, abandoned the meeting, for, as he said "he felt like he has no rights to participate in the further building of Macedonia as a state, whereat the Albanians are perpetually treated as minority through quips and pranks." Just before the start of the voting process, Aleksandar Florovski, VMRO-DPMNE representative, pointed out that President Boris Trajkovski was to participate in this session as well. Zvonko Mircevski, also a VMRO-DPMNE representative, shared his opinion. In his address he urged the signers of the Framework Agreement to make efforts once again and restore the peace in Macedonia. The independent representative, Mevljem Tahiri, explained that he would vote for the constitutional changes, for "to at least try and say "no" to the state of being without any perspective, as well as to cease the rage in Macedonia." Gjorgji Todorov, VMRO-DPMNE, believes that if the constitutional changes are adopted, a space for abrogation of the Macedonian state will be created, which would lead towards new legislative problems. All of the security structures are to unite and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia, as he said, should be restored. Biljalj Ljutviu, DPA, believes that the time has come to finally adopt the Framework Agreement, announcing that he and the members of his parliament group will vote "for", as they are persuaded that the constitutional changes are for the benefit of the Albanian people, as well as for all citizens of Macedonia. They know their way is the right one. According to him, Kastriot Haxhirexha has no right to give them lectures on morality and that his mandate should be revoked due to his "cowardliness expressed through his leaving the session." The VMRO-VMRO representative, Vangel Simev believes that a disgraceful agreement was signed. There is no excuse for the absence of the President, Boris Trajkovski at this session too, according to his opinion. "All terms set by the assembly for this session to take place were not fulfilled, i.e. the displaced persons are not back in their homes, the terrorist attacks continue, there are still occupied territories and there is no guarantee for peace, which makes us wonder if there will ever be a guarantee for peace, even after the constitutional changes are adopted," said Natalija Markovic-Dimova, representative of the New Democracy Party. Savo Klimovski, representative of the Democratic Alternative, said he did not agree with the constitutional changes, for he does not want to become a consisting part of the logical conclusion from a capitular politics." "I don't agree with these amendments, because the Macedonian people is held hostage by some quasi-politicians that intend to manipulate with this people. I dont want to be part of it and thereby take over the responsibility. These amendments are ruining the concept of the Macedonian constitution in general. Within the last three-four months the crisis is being even more intensified, instead of being surpassed. There is no guarantee that by adopting these amendments the crisis would be solved," said Klimovski. Ilija Lazarov, VMRO-DPMNE, explained that he would cast his vote "for", although he believed that the Parliament and Macedonia are under pressure and that the International community realized what is the meaning of the word "terror" now, after the terrorist attacks on September 11. The Macedonian Parliament with 73 votes "for," 14 "against" and four "abstain" determined the text of fourth draft-amendment referring to the Preamble of the Constitution. During the debate, the Parliament with 77 votes "for," ten "against" and one "abstain" also determined the text of the fifth draft-amendment referring to the use of languages. With 80 votes "for," one "abstain" and 13 votes "against" the deputies determined the text of the sixth draft-amendment, on proportional and fair participation of the members of the communities in the state administration and state enterprises. The Parliament with 76 votes "for," 13 "against" and 3 "abstain" determined the text of the seventh draft-amendment referring to the religious communities. With 80 votes "for," one "abstain" and 12 votes "against" the deputies determined the text of the eighth draft-amendment, on protection of ethnic, cultural, language and religious identity of all communities. The deputies also determined the text of the ninth draft-amendment referring to protection, promotion and enrichment of the historical and artistic treasure in Macedonia of all communities in the country, with 83 votes "for" and 10 votes "against." The Parliament with 82 votes "for" and 10 "against" determined the text of the tenth draft-amendment referring to the adoption of Laws that are directly related with the culture, use of languages, education and science and personal documents with majority votes of the present deputies belonging to the communities that are not majority in Republic of Macedonia. The representative of the submitter, Prof. Ljubomir Frckovski accepted the amendment submitted by deputy Stojan Andov according to which in tenth draft-amendment new paragraph is added prior to the first paragraph. The new paragraph reads: "The Parliament can decide if majority of total number of deputies are present at the session. The Parliament decides with majority votes of the total number of deputies, at least with one third of the total number of deputies if the Constitution does not regulate this with special majority." The former first paragraph becomes second, and paragraph two becomes paragraph three and reads "this amendment replaces Article 69 from the Constitution of Republic of Macedonia." Frckovski explained that he accepted this amendment aiming to increase the efficacy of the Parliament's work, as the deputies agreed about it. The Parliament determined the text of the 11th draft-amendment referring to election of Ombudsman of Republic of Macedonia with 79 votes "for" and 15 votes "against." For the draft amendment 12, which refers to the foundation of a Committee on interethnic relations, 78 deputies cast their votes "for", while 11 were "against". For the draft amendment 13, which refers to the foundation of a Macedonian Security Council, 81 deputies cast their votes "for", and eight were "against". For the draft amendment 14, which refers to the election of members to the State Judicial Council, 82 deputies cast their votes "for", and nine were "against". For the draft amendment 15, which refers to the election of members to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, 85 deputies voted "for", and 11 were "against". The text of the draft amendment 16, according to which the local self-government is to be regulated by a law, passed by two-third majority in the Parliament, minding thereby that the number of deputies from the minorities in the Republic of Macedonia is also a majority. The amendment was approved with 80 votes "for" and 15 votes "against". Furthermore, the draft amendment 17, which refers to the citizens' rights to bring decisions of local importance within the local self-governments, was approved with 85 votes "for", and 11 votes "against". In the frameworks of the debate on the draft-amendment 18, the amendment of the VMRO-DPMNE deputy Gjorgji Todorov was discussed, but rejected. According to this amendment, any alterations upon the Constitution in time of war or some unordinary situation when the country or part of it is occupied, were to be prohibited. The Macedonian Assembly approved also the amendment 18, which refers to the specific way of voting for the amendments to the Articles of the Constitution, in relation with the interethnic relations. 81 deputy voted "for" and 17 "against". The draft-amendment on the coat of arms of the Republic of Macedonia was also on the agenda of this session.  REACTIONS AFTER ADOPTION OF CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. MIA "I support the historical decision of the deputies in the Macedonian parliament. Macedonia enters new era that promises stability and prosperity of entire population," NATO Secretary General George Robertson stated Friday. He assessed that the deputies in the Macedonian parliament made the right step, when they decided to give their vote in favor of the constitutional amendments, which "will bring the country closer to the European standards." Robertson reiterated that NATO fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Macedonia, adding that the Alliance would continue to support the democratically elected Government in Skopje and its efforts to unite the country and to restore the peace and security. "Macedonia is an example for countries worldwide, this country turned the back to the violence that could have rose into civil war, and the leaders opened the opportunity for establishing flexible, calm and multi ethnic democracy," Robertson stressed. EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana welcomed Friday the decision of the Macedonian Parliament for adoption of the constitutional amendments. "This courageous decision shows the strength of the Macedonian democratic institutions, as well as the determination of the peoples representatives to use peaceful means to promote stability and prosperity," Solana stressed. As MIA reports, Solana stressed that the country stood stronger, more stable and with better perspectives for the future for all its citizens. Solana underlined that the violence has been rejected and the Macedonian position in the European family has been confirmed. He said that the European Union would give priority to help bringing Macedonia closer to the EU. Secretary General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer, Friday welcomes the changes of the constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, MIA reports. Schwimmer congratulated on the Macedonian Parliament on having adopted the 15 Constitutional amendments by such a large majority, stressing that "this important decision will lay the foundations for a better protection of the civil, political and social rights of all individuals living in the country, regardless of their community and ethnic background", he said. Schwimmer stressed that the Council of Europe has been actively involved in the political process for surpassing of the crisis in Macedonia. "The Council of Europe has been actively involved in the peace process, whose aim is to provide more equitable involvement of all communities, particularly in the public life of the state," he said, adding that the Council is prepared to back up the very positive step forward taken last night by the Macedonian Parliament". President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Lord Russell Johnston welcomed the adoption of the constitutional changes in Macedonia, MIA reports. "The changes create new ground for the multi ethnic relations and enable increased participation of the minorities in the rule with the joint country," reads the press release from Lord Johnston. He stressed that the voting in the Parliament was just the beginning as the hardest part would be the implementation of the constitutional amendments. "We should not allow any activity to erase the efforts for finding peaceful political solution in the past several months, or any activity that would bring back the threats of the bloodshed and destruction," Lord Russell Johnston said. German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer welcomed the adoption of the amendments of the Macedonian Constitution assessing it as a good example for preventive resolution of conflicts. The ratification of the constitutional amendments is an important step forward for resolving the crisis, Fischer stressed, adding that the German Government and the European Union support Macedonia in the implementation of the regulations arising from the Framework agreement. "The constitutional changes and the measures included in the Framework agreement should be appropriately implemented," Fischer stressed, adding that it is important to resolve the issue on amnesty. German Foreign Minister appeals to the political factors in Macedonia to refrain from provocations, and all provocations and problems to be resolved peacefully through dialogue. The OSCE mission in Skopje is very pleased by the successful passing of the constitutional amendments by the Macedonian Parliament, and determined in the Ohrid Agreement, reads the note from ambassador Craig Jenes, Head of the OSCE monitoring mission in Skopje. "We congratulate to the parliament members, to the political leaders and to all citizens of Macedonia for their courage and vision. This is great step ahead to sustainable peace and positive example for how complex and delicate issued should be resolved through dialogue," Jenes says. He underlines that the amendments pave the path to better life for all Macedonian citizens, regardless their ethnicity, language and religion. Passing of the constitutional amendments with great majority of votes from the deputies in the Macedonian Parliament represents significant step ahead for the country, reads the joint announcement from the special EU and U.S. envoys to Macedonia, Alain Le Roy and James Pardew. Outlining that the changes to the Constitution represent foundation for peaceful and successful development of the country in the future, the two international facilitators underline that this opens possibility for intensive cooperation and support by the EU and U.S. to Macedonia. "Now it is most important all measures from the Framework Agreement to be implemented, and in order peaceful development to be provided implementation of the amnesty is necessary," reads the announcement from Le Roy and Pardew. Special EU and U.S. envoys appeal to the Parliament to speed up the procedure for adoption of the new law for local self-government. Le Roy and Pardew also ask all relevant factors in the country to be constructive in the interest of the peace, prosperity and the future of Macedonia. Adoption of the amendments to the Macedonian constitution represents significant step to peaceful resolving of the crisis and beginning of a process for restoration of trust among the ethnic communities in Macedonia, special coordinator of the Stability Pact Bodo Hombach said on Friday. He pointed out the need of implementation of the Framework Agreement and appealed to the international donors to schedule donors' conference for Macedonia, originally planed for October. "The Stability Pact will continue to cooperate with the Macedonian Government and with EU in the process for surpassing of the crisis. The Stability Pact will intensify the activities for development of inter-ethnic dialogue and cooperation in Macedonia," reads Hombach's announcement. Macedonia is holder with the presidency of the first working table of the Stability Pact, which will be focused on democracy and human rights. The meeting will take place in Skopje in December. Bulgaria hails the adoption of the constitutional amendments in the Macedonian Parliament as a main precondition for calming the situation and for normalizing the political life in Macedonia, Bulgarian Foreign Ministry announced. "Sofia hopes that the agreement reached by the political factors in Macedonia would be implemented, what would provide stable and harmonic inter ethnic co-life and development of the democracy. By fulfilling the obligations arising from the Framework agreement closer relations between Macedonia and the Euro Atlantic structures would be established and the confidence of the international donors would be restored. After the adoption of the constitutional changes EU should urgently organize donor's conference for Macedonia," reads the announcement. It was stressed that Bulgaria would continue to participate actively in the efforts of the international community for establishing lasting peace and stability in Macedonia and the region. KFOR Will Evacuate The Suspect Of Killings Of The 3 Macedonian Policemen. Reality Macedonia Skopje-Two days ago in the Tetovo hospital Shemsedin Bajrami from the village Trebosh was treated from gun shot wounds in the left leg and in the head as well. The Macedonian Police thinks that Bajrami is one of the attackers of the police convoy near the Tetovo village Trebosh, when three Macedonian policemen were killed. At the moment the suspect is in the department of intensive care in Tetovo hospital. Yesterday, the Police have issued a warrant for his arrest and his room in the hospital is guarded by the police. NATO, EU and OSCE representatives in Macedonia are making a pressure since yesterday over the Macedonian Officials especially to the Ministry of Inferior, for releasing and taking over the care for the wounded suspect in to the military hospital in the American base Bonsteel in Kosovo. The reason according the international representatives is to easy the tensions in Tetovo after the yesterday's protests and treats that Tetovo will burn if the police don't release Shemsedin Bajrami. Sources in the Macedonian Army and Police who wish to stay anonymous, have that this afternoon a medical helicopter of KFOR from Bonsteel will land in Tetovo's barracks of the Macedonian Army and that it will evacuate Bajrami. This morning the road Skopje-Tetovo was blocked for a cup of hours by groups of people in civilian clothes. There is no confirmation weather this incident is connected with the release of Bajrami. Shemsedin Bajrami is also suspected for being one of the leaders of the so-called ANA(Albanian National Army) which took responsibility for the latest killings of Macedonian policemen near Tetovo.  Participation of Bulgaria in the Central European Free Trade Association is an important step for the country towards the European Union, Nikolay Vasilev said. News.bg Speaking at the regular annual meeting of the CEFTA Premiers that has been taking place in Bucharest today, Vice-Premier and Minister of Economy Nikolay Vasilev said that Bulgaria assessed positively its cooperation with the CEFTA countries, and added that expansion of the European Union with the adoption of 12 new countries from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe would be a strategic investment in peace, security and stability. He presented the Bulgarian position, according to which participation in the Central European Free Trade Association was an important and necessary step towards a full-right membership in the European Union and a prerequisite for developing trade-economic cooperation between the countries. He also acquainted the participants in the meeting with the economics program of the government and announced that the main goal of the program was achieving high and steady economic growth of between 5 to 7 percent per year in the period between 2002 and 2005. Elections Over? Standartnews It seems that the presidential election got over as early as yesterday morning. When the country woke up to find the successive misuse of Stoyanov's electioneering staff. After coming up with a document discrediting Bonev, the incumbent president took the liberty to manipulate the name and image of Premier Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Without batting an eyelid. Simeon said it was an idiocy. The new fake is a wail of desperation. A wail of anonymous people, panic-stricken at losing the election. But those very people pipped Stoyanov on one more thing - they deprived him of the right to look people straight in the eye. From now on He is a shame. (ML) 215 Million Debt of Municipalities by Christmas. Standartnews State employees to take minimum salary of 187 levs from early-2002 on. Municipalities debt to different companies and organizations will reach 215 million leva at end-2001, it transpired after presentation of the draft budget'2002 to the budget committee with the parliament. The liabilities of the hospitals are the largest ones, the social security services are also short of money. Program to resolve the problem with the arrears in municipalities' expenditure will be ready by the end of November. But the problem will not be solved in the frames of the current year and probably not during the next one, Deputy-Minister of Finance Kiril Ananiev said. The salaries of state employees will be increased from January 1 on. The lowest ranking state servant will take 187 levs monthly. The Cabinet is eligible to issue Eurobonds for 700 million euros in 2002, reads the draft of budget. Stephan Kioutchukov (SH) Several Airfields in Bulgaria Accessible to US Military Aircraft. Standartnews "Several airfields in Bulgaria, including a couple of military airfields, are accessible to US military aircraft," Defence Minister Nikolai Svinarov told the press Thursday. Among military airfields, Svinarov mentioned Graf Ignatievo near Plovdiv in Southern Bulgaria, and Sarafovo near the coastal city of Bourgas. Civil airports can also be used by US military aircraft, particularly facilities which are not currently used by the civil aviation, he said. "Such issues will be addressed when Bulgaria receives concrete requests. Requests of this sort have not been received as yet," he said. On Wednesday, Parliament ratified a Bulgarian-US agreement giving clearance for overflight, transit passage and stay of US forces and personnel on Bulgarian territory in connection with Operation Enduring Freedom. NMS MPs: We Were Not Asked Either. Standartnews "Not a word was uttered about such an ad at our meeting with Stoyanov on Tuesday," Miroslav Sevlievski said. The NMS deputies were shocked yesterday by the advertisement in the newspapers, in which the image of their patron was used for the purposes of Stoyanov's campaign. "Such an intention of the electioneering staff was not even mentioned at our meeting on Tuesday night," Miroslav Sevlievski said yesterday in the lobby. He and Emil Koshlukov were invited to the HQ by Peter Stoyanov in person to detail the presentation of the latter before the PG. The NMS PG's deputy chairman Vladimir Donchev was also unaware by whom and where was taken the decision to use the King's image, but he assumed that the electioneering staff did not ask him for permission. Donchev, who is a member of the electioneering staff and Plamen Panayotov's deputy, said that he had nothing to do with any ads and declined further elaborations. "I do not know who has made the decision, but I do not find it relevant to use the King's image in the campaign," NMS MP Yavor Milushev commented. "Perhaps the staff judged it right, but I myself do not think it is the appropriate way." None of the deputies ventured to forecast how this faux pas was to affect the election results. Everybody, however, expected the problem to be resolved at the meeting with Stoyanov. Petar Stoyanov went to the Parliament to meet the deputies from the NMS II at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. He paid special attention to MP from Razgrad, Kamen Vlahov, who was against his nomination from the very start. Stoyanov was assured that all structures of the NMS and UDF will be mobilized for the runoff. The promise was given during the meeting with the representatives of the coalition council of the NMS and the leadership of the parliamentary group only. Chief of Stoyanov's election staff, Ivan Stanchov took the blame for the publication of PM's Saxe-Coburg photo, said in parliament Neri Terzieva, press attache of the incumbent head of state. Terzieva has specified that Stanchov hasn't given personal order to put to use the King's photo, but decided to shoulder the responsibility. She emphasized that the NMS leadership is not to blame for the gaffe. NMS deputy Kamen Vlahov said that the scandal is unprecedented, "for the first time the PM's name is used for political manipulations". In the opinion of Petar Stoyanov the so-called photo is merely a technical problem. "This is not something that could generate problems between me and the NMS, or between me and PM Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. We have put a full stop in the discussions on the issue", Stoyanov commented. Nadelina Aneva  Iren Petrunova - the Woman with Many Faces. Standartnews Small business' First Lady steps down from power and becomes a banker in Moskow. Men in power have a reason to be sad. Foreigners in Bulgaria have even more reasons for that. The traditional meeting of the bankers at the beginning of December probably will be canceled. Because the colour, whose name was Iren Petrunova, will not be there. The first lady of the small business in Bulgaria leaves the stage. And Bulgaria. After managing the projects of beginning and prosperous businessmen for more than four years she is to become a banker. She will work in Moscow in one of the former CMEA banks which is called International Investment Bank now. She will be in charge of the monetary and the economic department. There's no doubt that Iren will enter easly her new special line. Because she likes the challenges and easely changes surroundings. The ones, who know her best, say that she has many faces. She is easily getting angry, but not for long. Even her closest people always feel uneasy by their mistakes. She is commanding, but emotional. She deeply loves and hates, but succeeds to control herself. Iren has the traditional fate and education of excellent students before November 10. She studied in the German Language school in Sofia and after that graduated from the Economic University where she studied International Economic Relations. Immediately after graduating she worked in the foreign trade association 'Industrialimport'. There she got experienced in everything concerning foreign trade. She started from the lowest step - like an expert on merchandise. 'This was a very useful experience to me, because when I became a manager I knew all the steps of work and what could I expect from my subbordinates', Petrunova says. A little bit later Petrunova goes to another Foreign Trade Organization - 'Hemus' where she was in charge of the sale of Bulgarian pieces of art abroad. She regrets that during the last four years she hasn't have enough time for her friends-artists and didn't visit exhibitions. In Moskow she plans to fetch up. Nevena Mircheva (PY)  Stoyanov Can Boast Well-Done Job. INTERVIEW Standartnews: Stefan Sofianski The President shouldn't have shown the report of the National Security Service at the TV debate, says Sofia Mayor. Petar Stoyanov may have his flaws, no one is perfect. But during his years in office several absolutely fair elections were held which has won to Bulgaria the reputation of a democratic country", says Sofia Mayor Stefan Sofianski. Then he adds, "Our country was invited for the negotiations on the EU membership, the Schengen barrier was removed. In all these events Stoyanov was the driving force and the frontman. No doubt, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Nadezhda Mihailova played a very important role, but they were only executives. The President expresses the will and stand of the country, he is the country's face. - Mr. Sofianski, what happened on November 11? Over 4.5 million Bulgarians refused to vote. Whom did the voters punished? - On Noember 11 there were no either winners or losers, regardless of the fact that some people may see themselves as such. In fact the winners are those 60 percent that have not headed for the ballot-boxes. They have sent a very serious warning to all politicians, showing that to a certain degree, the developments in the country are not favorable. Or at least not so favorable as the grass-root voter would like them to be. It was a serious lesson to be learnt by all of us. There will be a runoff. Maybe those who so definitely raised the objection refusing to cast their votes now feel alarmed enough. Because if you don't vote you can't have influence over anything. But whoever is elected (and I think it will be Petar Stoyanov) will be scarred by the result of the first round for ever. The people's serious warning will leave this scar. - Why Petar Stoyanov hasn't offered his assessment of the Kostov's government and never put a finger on its failures? - We can talk about certain mistakes of Petar Stoyanov. But the truth is that he was the first who openly pointed out that some things do not go right. If we compare Georgi Parvanov and Petar Stoyanov, let us not forget that Stoyanov can boast a well-done job. Whereas Parvanov has nothing to his name. Just a clean political record and carrier. But I'm not talking now about professional achievements. - Has Stoyanov erred when he produced the discrediting report against Bogomil Bonev? - Stoyanov was very seriously challenged. I personally think that he shouldn't have done it. - Many politicians hold the opinion that the National Security Service is used to execute political orders against political opponents. - Why didn't Petar Stoyanov take measures and replace Gen. Atanas Atanassov? - Security services and their work have always been something completely foreign to me. I'm sorry to say that. This is something I know nothing about and I have never interfered with them. - Rumors run that your name was also mentioned in this report. - I don't believe so. Stoyanov would have at least told me, if it were true. I'm not worried at all. - Isn't it a paradox that Stefan Sofianski, the man who left the UDF, at the moment lends the strongest support for Stoyanov. - No. For two years I have been repeating that Stoyanov is the leading Bulgarian politician. My stand has not changed. - In spite of that the UDF pressed charges against you for the low turnout at the election because you announced the establishment of your party several days before the vote. - I don't think so. Among those who back up my stand you will not find a single person who did not vote for Stoyanov. I don't believe that this was the problem. Ekaterina Nikolova Bulgarians set sail for Antarctica. Sophia Echo Four members of the 10th Bulgarian Antarctic expedition left for Livingston Island on Friday. Antarctic Institute chairman Hristo Pimpirev, Yordan Yordanov, Andrei Kovachev and Dr. Valentin Andreev sailed aboard a Spanish naval ship. The remaining expedition members will be leaving in two weeks. During the expedition, the scientists will continue looking for Jurassic fossils and will work on a study of the human influence on the regions unique nature, Pimpirev said. Bulgaria joined the Antarctic countries in 1978 when it signed the Antarctic Treaty. Along with 26 other countries, it has the right to a veto on any matters relating to the continent, which forms one tenth of the planet. |